I sat with a friend once and you know that moment when you realize it is photo-me time? I liked his phone. One of those fancy ones that make one switch accents and start sounding like they are in a movie. I mean the technology that is compact but you know it can read your thoughts of the future. He wipes out his fancy technology and I freeze. I don't photograph well. NO! I mean it!
Even government officials charged with the painful duty of taking those cruel photos that look like mugshots have looked twice. At physically there me, then at the gangster in the photo. Eh! I have seen things.
So, back to photo-me with technological gadget...
I knew that the click click moment would come and I had to say something. Let me explain why. I am a performer so I have to take photos for the posters. Yes, so Y'all can come and pay to hear me sing. Yup! That's me. Oh, yes, photos and posters. One evening I had finished my first half of the show, I sauntered honorably towards the classy audience to say hello. Eh! A wonderful madam with a loud raspy voice (vodka cigarette voice we call it in this neck of the woods), who had amuad to drink that night stood up and loudly declared her love for my music and utter disdain for the horrible photographer who took the photo on the poster. SHE BLAMED THE PHOTOGRAPHER. Bless her heart. Let's just say I let the photographer take one for the team that evening. One for all, all for one!
“I knew the moment technological gadget was put to use, I would come out looking like a fraud.”
Inspekta Gadget was ready for the photo-me session. I think that contraption was almost speaking. There was something about the light and angles and all I could think about was, let him see the results, he will run for the hills and leave his fancy shoes!
I declared that I do not photograph well. He is very well mannered and with pity in his voice he said something kind that I did not believe for one second.
Photos were taken. I just looked at one now. WHYYYYYY?!?!?! What do the gods of Kameralia have agains't me?
So I went to the mountains with a heavy heart and returned with a crazy mind...TO SHOOT VIDEOS! If you have the courage to watch this fiasco of an edit, please understand that videos are moving photographs. I think I found a loop hole, but it won't last long. Kameralia is not a good place!
May we be kind to ourselves. Our mental health is Wealth.
Oh Yes, the gadget master did take the photographs and the look on his otherwise poised face said it all.' EH! Even technology can't help you!' It was very loud in his sad eyes.
Now I understand what they meant when they said the revolution shall not be televised. Off to do the Lord's work. OIH!